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1 mycology

The branch of botany that studies fungi and fungus-caused diseases.

Roget 369: botany; physiological botany, structural botany, systematic botany; phytography, phytology, phytotomy; vegetable physiology, herborization, dendrology, mycology, fungology, algology; ... show more

Roget 357: organized world, organized nature; living nature, animated nature; living beings; organic remains, fossils.    protoplasm, cytoplasm, protein; albumen; structure etc. ... show more

Dutch: mycetologie, mycologie
Polish: mikologia, mykologia

Moby thesaurus: algology, aquiculture, botany, bryology, dendrology, fungology, hydroponics, paleobotany, phycology, physiological botany, phytobiology, phytochemistry, phytoecology, phytogeography, phytography, phytology, phytomorphology, phytonomy, phytopaleontology, phytopathology ... show more.

Find more on mycology elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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