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1 lush

A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually.

synonyms: alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, soaker, souse.

Roget 959: drunkenness etc. adj.; intemperance; drinking etc. v.; inebriety, inebriation; ebriety, ebriosity; insobriety; intoxication; temulency, ... show more

Dutch: alcoholiste, alcoholica, alcoholicus, alcoholist, alcoholverslaafde, drankorgel, drankverslaafde, drankzuchtige, drinkebroer, kannekijker ... show more
Polish: alkoholik, pijak


1 lush

Produced or growing in extreme abundance.

synonyms: exuberant, luxuriant, profuse, riotous.

Roget 365: rank, lush; vegetable, vegetal, vegetive.   

Polish: bujny, gęsty, rozrośnięty

2 lush

Having strong sexual appeal.

synonyms: juicy, luscious, red-hot, toothsome, voluptuous.

Roget 396: sweet; saccharine, sacchariferous; dulcet, candied, honied, luscious, lush, nectarious, melliferous; sweetened etc. v.. sweet as a nut, ... show more

3 lush

Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality:
— These architecture magazines are full of the lush interiors of the rich and famous.

synonyms: deluxe, gilded, grand, luxurious, opulent, princely, sumptuous.

Polish: wystawny

4 lush

Tender and full of juice:
— Lush fruits.

synonym: succulent.


Roget 959: get drunk, be drunk etc. adj.; see double; take a drop too much, take a glass too much; drink; tipple, tope, booze, bouse [Fr.], guzzle, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abundant, adorable, adorned, agreeable, alcohol, ambrosial, befrilled, bibber, blooming, booze, boozehound, boozer, bottle sucker, bountiful, budge, bum, bursting, bursting out, chug, chug-a-lug ... show more.

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