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1 stony

Abounding in rocks or stones:
— Stony ground.

synonyms: bouldered, bouldery, rocky.

Polish: opoczysty, kamienisty

2 stony

Showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings.

synonyms: flint, flinty, granitic, obdurate.

Roget 323: hard, rigid, stubborn, stiff, firm; starch, starched; stark, unbending, unlimber, unyielding; inflexible, tense; indurate, ... show more

3 stony

Hard as granite.

synonyms: granitelike, granitic, rocklike.

Moby thesaurus: Philistine, adamant, adamantine, bankrupt, beat, beggared, bony, broke, busted, callous, calloused, case-hardened, cement, cemental, chilly, cold, cold-blooded, coldhearted, concrete, corneous ... show more.

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