English synonyms about - contact  



1 nonce

The present occasion:
— For the nonce.

synonym: time being.

Roget 118: the present, the present time, the present day, the present moment, the present juncture, the present occasion; the times, the existing time, the time being; today, these days, nowadays, our times, modern times, ... show more

Dutch: voor zolang het duurt, hapax, gelegenheid

Moby thesaurus: contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, historical present, modernity, newness, now, nowadays, nowness, our times, present, present tense, presentness, the Now Generation, the nonce, the now, the present, the present age, the present day, the present hour, the present juncture ... show more.

Find more on nonce elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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