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1 seniority

Higher rank than that of others especially by reason of longer service.

synonyms: higher rank, higher status, senior status.

Roget 124: oldness etc. adj.; age, antiquity; cobwebs of antiquity.    maturity; decline, decay; senility etc. 128.    seniority, eldership, ... show more

Dutch: senioriteit
Polish: starszeństwo

2 seniority

The property of being long-lived.

synonym: longevity.

Roget 128: age; oldness etc. adj.; old age, advanced age, golden years; senility, senescence; years, anility, gray hairs, climacteric, grand climacteric, ... show more

Dutch: levensduur
Polish: długowieczność

Moby thesaurus: aboriginality, accomplishment, age, ancien regime, ancientness, antiquity, ascendancy, atavism, authority, cobwebs of antiquity, consequence, deanship, dust of ages, eld, elderliness, eldership, eminence, excellence, favor, great age ... show more.

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