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1 plead

Appeal or request earnestly.

Roget 467: be evidence etc. n.; evince, show, betoken, tell of; indicate etc. (denote) 550; imply, involve, ... show more

Roget 617: pretend, plead, allege; shelter oneself under the plea of; excuse etc. (vindicate) 937; lend a color to; furnish a handle etc. n.; make a pretext of, make a handle of; ... show more

Roget 968: practice law, practice at the bar, practice within the bar; plead; call to the bar, be called to the bar, be called within the bar; take silk; take to the law.    give legal counsel, provide legal counsel.   

Roget 765: request, ask; beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, invite, pop the question, make bold to ask; beg leave, beg a boon; ... show more

2 plead

Offer as an excuse or plea.

3 plead

Enter a plea, as in courts of law.

4 plead

Make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts.

Dutch: pleiten


Roget 937: vindication, justification, warrant; exoneration, exculpation; acquittal etc. 970; whitewashing.    extenuation; palliation, palliative; softening, mitigation.    ... show more

Moby thesaurus: adduce, adjure, advance, advocate, affirm, allege, appeal, appeal to, apply to, argue, argufy, array, ask, ask for, assert, aver, avow, bandy words, beg, beseech ... show more.

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