English synonyms about - contact  

have to do with


1 have to do with

Be relevant to.

synonyms: bear on, come to, concern, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on.

Roget 9: be related etc. adj.; have a relation etc. n.; relate to, refer to; bear upon, regard, concern, touch, affect, have to do with; ... show more

Roget 625: pass one's time in, employ one's time in, spend one's time in; employ oneself in, employ oneself upon; occupy oneself with, concern oneself with; make it one's business etc. n.; undertake etc. 676; ... show more

Roget 680: do, perform, execute; achieve etc. (complete) 729; transact, enact; commit, perpetrate, inflict; exercise, prosecute, ... show more

Roget 692: transact [cause to occur], execute; despatch, dispatch; proceed with, discharge; carry on, carry through, carry out, carry into effect, put into effect; work out; go through, ... show more

Dutch: aankomen, behoren bij, betreffen, bewegen, gaan, gelden, handelen, raken, slaan, toebehoren ... show more

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