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1 handwriting

Something written by hand:
— She recognized his handwriting.

synonyms: hand, script.

Roget 590: writing etc. v.; chirography, stelography, cerography; penmanship, craftmanship; quill driving; typewriting.    writing, manuscript, MS.   , literae scriptae [Lat.]; ... show more

Dutch: hand, handschrift, poot
Polish: charakter pisma, pismo, dukt

2 handwriting

The activity of writing by hand.

Moby thesaurus: autography, calligraphy, chirography, fist, graphanalysis, graphology, graphometry, hand, longhand, manuscript, paleography, pencraft, penmanship, penscript, script, scription, scrive, stylography.

Find more on handwriting elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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