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1 imperishable

Not perishable.

Roget 112: perpetual, eternal; everduring, everlasting, ever-living, ever-flowing; continual, sempiternal; coeternal; endless, unending; ceaseless, incessant, uninterrupted, ... show more

Roget 150: unchangeable, immutable; unaltered, unalterable; not to be changed, constant; permanent etc. 141; invariable, undeviating; stable, durable; perennial ... show more

Roget 873: distinguished, distingue [Fr.], noted; of note etc. n.; honored etc. v.; popular; fashionable etc. 852.    ... show more

2 imperishable

Lasting a long time:
— Imperishable truths.

synonyms: abiding, enduring.

Moby thesaurus: amaranthine, deathless, embalmed, ever-fresh, everlasting, fadeless, frozen, immortal, impregnable, incorruptible, indelible, indestructible, ineffaceable, ineradicable, inexpugnable, inextinguishable, invincible, invulnerable, irrefragable, never-dying ... show more.

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