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Roget category 110

1. Words expressing abstract relations
1.6. Time
›› 1.6.1. Absolute time

#110. [Long duration.] Diuturnity


diuturnitya long time, a length of timean age, a century, an eternityslowness etc. 275perpetuity etc. 112blue moon, coon's age [U.S.], dog's age.
durableness, durabilitypersistence, endlessness, lastingness etc. adj. continuance, standingpermanence etc. (stability) 150survival, survivancelongevity etc. (age) 128distance of time.
protraction of time, prolongation of time, extension of timedelay etc. (lateness) 133.


last, endure, stand, remain, abide, continue, brave a thousand years.
tarry etc. (be late) 133drag on, drag its slow length along, drag a lengthening chainprotract, prolongspin out, eke out, draw out, lengthen outtemporizegain time, make time, talk against time.
outlast, outlivesurvivelive to fight again.


durablelasting etc. v. — of long duration, of long-standingpermanent, endless, chronic, long-standingintransient, intransitiveintransmutable, persistentlifelong, livelonglongeval, long-lived, macrobiotic, diuturnal, evergreen, perennialsempervirent, semperviridunrelenting, unintermitting, unremittingperpetual etc. 112.
lingering, protracted, prolonged, spun out etc. v.. long-pending, long-windedslow etc. 275.


longfor a long time, for an age, for ages, for ever so long, for many a long daylong ago etc. (in a past time) 122longo intervallo [It].
all the day long, all the year roundthe livelong day, as the day is long, morning noon and nighthour after hour, day after day, &c. — for goodpermanently etc. adj..

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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