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1 flank

The side of military or naval formation:
— They attacked the enemy's right flank.

synonym: wing.

Roget 236: laterality; side, flank, quarter, lee; hand; cheek, jowl, jole, wing; profile; temple, parietes [Lat.], loin, ... show more

Dutch: flank
Polish: oddział boczny

2 flank

A subfigure consisting of a side of something.

3 flank

A cut from the fleshy part of an animal's side between the ribs and the leg.

Dutch: flank
Polish: łata

4 flank

The side between ribs and hipbone.


1 flank

Be located at the sides of something or somebody.

Roget 236: be on one side etc. adv.; flank, outflank; sidle; skirt; orientate.   

Roget 664: be safe etc. adj.; keep one's head above water, tide over, save one's bacon; ride out the storm, weather the storm; light upon one's feet, land on one's feet; bear a charmed life; escape etc. 671.    ... show more

Dutch: flankeren

Moby thesaurus: Chateaubriand, advance against, advance upon, advocate, bank, beam, bear down upon, blade roast, border, breast, brisket, broadside, champion, cheek, chop, chuck, chuck roast, circle, circuit, circuiteer ... show more.

Find more on flank elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 236: lateral, sidelong; collateral; parietal, flanking, skirting; flanked; sideling.    many sided; multilateral, bilateral, trilateral, quadrilateral.    Eastern; ... show more

Find more on flanking elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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