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1 enlarge

Make larger.

Roget 750: liberate, free; set free, set clear, set at liberty; render free, emancipate, release; enfranchise, affranchise; manumit; enlarge; disband, ... show more

Roget 31: be great etc. adj.; run high, soar, tower, transcend; rise to a great height, carry to a great height; know no bounds; ascend, mount.    enlarge etc. ... show more

Dutch: vergroten

2 enlarge

Make large.

synonyms: blow up, magnify.

Roget 35: increase, augment, add to, enlarge; dilate etc. (expand) 194; grow, wax, get ahead.    gain strength; advance; run up, ... show more

Roget 194: become larger etc. (large) etc. 192; expand, widen, enlarge, extend, grow, increase, incrassate, swell, gather; ... show more

Dutch: vergroten

3 enlarge

Become larger or bigger.

4 enlarge

Add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing.

synonyms: dilate, elaborate, expand, expatiate, exposit, expound, flesh out, lucubrate.

Roget 573: be diffuse etc. adj.; run out on, descant, expatiate, enlarge, dilate, amplify, expand, inflate; launch out, branch out; rant.    ... show more

Dutch: uitweiden, verklaren, exponeren, uiteendoen, uiteenzetten

Moby thesaurus: add to, agent provocateur, aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, annoy, augment, balloon, beef up, bloat, blow up, blueprint, boost, broaden, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, complete, crescendo ... show more.

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