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1 contain

Include or contain; have as a component:
— The record contains many old songs from the 1930's.

synonyms: comprise, incorporate.

Roget 76: be included in &c.; come under, fall under, range under; belong to, pertain to; range with; merge in.    include, comprise, comprehend, contain, admit, ... show more

Dutch: behelzen, herbergen, includeren, insluiten, omvatten

2 contain

Contain or hold; have within:
— This can contains water.

synonyms: bear, carry, hold.

Roget 54: be composed of, be made of, be formed of, be made up of; consist of, be resolved into.    include etc. (in a class) 76; contain, hold, comprehend, take in, ... show more

Dutch: bevatten, inhouden

3 contain

Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits.

synonyms: check, control, curb, hold, hold in, moderate.

Dutch: afremmen, matigen, modereren, remmen

4 contain

Be divisible by.

5 contain

Be capable of holding or containing.

synonyms: hold, take.

6 contain

Hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of:
— Contain the rebel movement.

synonyms: arrest, check, hold back, stop, turn back.

Dutch: keren

Moby thesaurus: accommodate, add up to, admit, affect, aggregate, aggregate to, amount to, arrest, assimilate, assume, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, bear, beleaguer, beset, besiege, blockade ... show more.

Find more on contain elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 54: containing, constituting etc. v..

Find more on containing elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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