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1 blanch

Turn pale, as if in fear.

synonyms: blench, pale.

Roget 429: lose color etc. 428; fade, fly, go; become colorless etc. adj.; turn pale, pale.    deprive of color, decolorize, bleach, ... show more

Roget 430: be white etc. adj.. render white etc. adj.; whiten, bleach, blanch, etiolate, whitewash, silver.   

Dutch: verbleken, verschieten

2 blanch

Cook (vegetables) briefly.

synonym: parboil.

Dutch: verbleken, witten, blancheren

Moby thesaurus: ache, achromatize, agonize, ail, anguish, bake, barbecue, baste, besnow, bleach, bleach out, blench, blush, boil, braise, brew, broil, brown, chalk, change color ... show more.

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