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1 worship

The activity of worshipping.

Roget 877: title, honor; knighthood etc. (nobility) 875.    highness, excellency, grace; lordship, worship; reverence, reverend; ... show more

Dutch: aanbidding, verering
Polish: kult

2 worship

A feeling of profound love and admiration.

synonym: adoration.

Roget 990: worship, adoration, devotion, aspiration, homage, service, humiliation; kneeling, genuflection, prostration.    prayer, invocation, supplication, rogation, ... show more

Polish: adoracja, uwielbienie


1 worship

Love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol.

synonyms: hero-worship, idolise, idolize, revere.

Roget 990: worship, lift up the heart, aspire; revere etc. 928; adore, do service, pay homage; humble oneself, kneel; bow the knee, bend the knee; fall down, ... show more

Roget 886: cringe, bow, stoop, kneel, bend the knee; fall on one's knees, prostrate oneself; worship etc. 990.    sneak, crawl, crouch, cower, ... show more

Roget 928: respect, regard; revere, reverence; hold in reverence, honor, venerate, hallow; esteem etc. (approve of) 931; think much of; ... show more

2 worship

Show devotion to (a deity).

Dutch: aanbidden

3 worship

Attend religious services.

Moby thesaurus: Amor, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, accord respect to, admiration, admire, adoration, adore, affection, agape, apotheosis, apotheosize, appreciate, appreciation, approbation, approval, ardency, ardor, attachment ... show more.

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