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1 Scorpion

astrology A person who is born while the sun is in Scorpio.

synonym: Scorpio.

Polish: skorpion

2 Scorpion

The eighth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about October 23 to November 21.

synonyms: Scorpio, Scorpio the Scorpion.

Polish: Skorpion

3 scorpion

Arachnid of warm dry regions having a long segmented tail ending in a venomous stinger.

Roget 830: painfulness etc. adj.; trouble, care etc. (pain) 828; trial; affliction, infliction; blow, stroke, burden, ... show more

Roget 913: evil doer, evil worker; wrongdoer etc. 949; mischief-maker, marplot; oppressor, tyrant; destroyer, Vandal; iconoclast.    firebrand, incendiary, ... show more

Dutch: schorpioen
Polish: skorpion

Moby thesaurus: arachnid, arthropod, beetle, bug, caterpillar, centipede, chilopod, daddy longlegs, diplopod, fly, harvestman, hexapod, insect, larva, maggot, millepede, millipede, mite, nymph, spider ... show more.

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