English synonyms about - contact  

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1 in

A unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot.

synonym: inch.

Dutch: duim
Polish: cal

2 In

A rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite.

synonyms: atomic number 49, indium.

Dutch: indium
Polish: In, ind

3 IN

A state in midwestern United States.

synonyms: Hoosier State, Ind., Indiana.

Dutch: Indiana


1 in

Holding office.

Roget 852: fashionable; in fashion etc. n.; a la mode, comme il faut [Fr.]; admitted in society, admissible in society etc. n.; presentable; conventional etc. (customary) ... show more

Roget 613: habitual; accustomary; prescriptive, accustomed etc. v.; of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence; consuetudinary; wonted, usual, general, ordinary, ... show more

Roget 123: new, novel, recent, fresh, green; young etc. 127; evergreen; raw, immature, unsettled, yeasty; ... show more

2 in

Directed or bound inward.

3 in

Currently fashionable.


1 in

To or toward the inside of:
— Come in.
— Smash in the door.

synonyms: inward, inwards.

Roget 221: internally etc. adj.; inwards, within, in, inly; here in, there in, where in; ab intra, withinside; in doors, within doors; ... show more


Roget 827: be pleased etc. 829; feel pleasure, experience pleasure etc. n.; joy; enjoy oneself, hug oneself; be in clover etc. 377, ... show more

Roget 300: insert; introduce, intromit; put into, run into; import; inject; interject etc. 298; infuse, instill, inoculate, impregnate, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: a la mode, access, adit, advanced, air lock, among, an in, approach, at, avant-garde, by, chic, clout, contemporary, corridor, drag, entering, entrance, entranceway, entree ... show more.

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