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1 sling

A highball with liquor and water with sugar and lemon or lime juice.

2 sling

A plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones.

synonyms: catapult, slingshot.

Roget 727: arm, arms; weapon, deadly weapon; armament, armaments, armature; panoply, stand of arms; armor etc. (defense) 717; armory ... show more

Dutch: slinger, katapult
Polish: proca

3 sling

A shoe that has a strap that wraps around the heel.

synonym: slingback.

4 sling

A simple weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a projectile is whirled and then released.

Polish: temblak

5 sling

Bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck.

synonyms: scarf bandage, triangular bandage.

Polish: temblak


1 sling

Hurl as if with a sling.

synonym: catapult.

Roget 214: be pendent etc. adj.; hang, depend, swing, dangle; swag; daggle, flap, trail, flow; beetle.    suspend, ... show more

Roget 284: propel, project, throw, fling, cast, pitch, chuck, toss, jerk, heave, shy, hurl; flirt, fillip.    ... show more

2 sling

Hang loosely or freely; let swing.

3 sling

Move with a sling.

4 sling

Hold or carry in a sling.

Moby thesaurus: Ace bandage, Band-Aid, adhesive tape, application, arbalest, ballista, band, bandage, bandaging, belt, binder, bowl, brace, bung, cast, cast at, cataplasm, catapult, change of pace, change-up ... show more.

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