English synonyms about - contact  

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run into


1 run into

Be beset by.

synonym: encounter.

2 run into

Collide violently with an obstacle.

synonyms: bump into, butt against, jar against, knock against.

Roget 300: insert; introduce, intromit; put into, run into; import; inject; interject etc. 298; infuse, instill, inoculate, impregnate, ... show more

Roget 144: be converted into; become, get, wax; come to, turn to, turn into, evolve into, develop into; turn out, lapse, shift; run into, fall into, ... show more

Dutch: bonzen

3 run into

Hit against; come into sudden contact with.

synonyms: collide with, hit, impinge on, strike.

Dutch: haalden door, haalde door, treffen, uitwissen

4 run into

Come together.

synonyms: come across, encounter, meet, run across, see.

Dutch: aantreffen, ontmoeten, tegenkomen, treffen

Moby thesaurus: add up to, afford, aggregate, aggregate to, alight upon, alter into, amount to, bang, bang into, be converted into, become, blunder upon, bring, bring in, bump, bump into, cannon, carom, carom into, chance upon ... show more.

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