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get on


1 get on

Have smooth relations.

synonyms: get along, get along with, get on with.

Dutch: aan de gang gaan met, doorgaan

2 get on

Get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.).

synonym: board.

3 get on

Get up on the back of.

synonyms: bestride, climb on, hop on, jump on, mount, mount up.

4 get on

Grow late or (of time) elapse.

5 get on

Appear in a show, on T.V. or radio.

synonym: be on.

6 get on

Develop in a positive way.

synonyms: advance, come along, come on, get along, progress, shape up.

Roget 282: advance; proceed, progress; get on, get along, get over the ground; gain ground; forge ahead; jog on, rub on, wag on; go with the stream; keep one's course, hold on one's course; ... show more

Dutch: de vorm aannemen, vooruitgaan, vooruitkomen, vorderen

7 get on

Grow old or older.

synonyms: age, maturate, mature, senesce.

Moby thesaurus: achieve success, advance, age, arrive, assume, back, be a success, be getting along, be so, be such, bestraddle, bestride, board, break through, buzz off, change, cheat the undertaker, clear, clear the hurdle, climb on ... show more.

Find more on get on elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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