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1 beardless

Having no beard.

synonym: whiskerless.

Roget 127: young, youthful, juvenile, green, callow, budding, sappy, puisne, beardless, under age, in one's teens; in statu pupillari [Lat.]; younger, junior; ... show more

2 beardless

Lacking hair on the face.

synonym: smooth-faced.

Moby thesaurus: acomous, bald, bald-headed, boyish, boylike, calflike, childish, childlike, clean-shaven, coltish, depilous, girlish, girllike, glabrous, hairless, kiddish, maiden, maidenly, puerile, puplike ... show more.

Find more on beardless elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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