English synonyms about - contact  

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1 untested

Not tried or tested by experience:
— Still untested in battle.

synonyms: unseasoned, untried, young.

Roget 463: experimental, empirical.    probative, probatory, probationary, provisional; analytic, docimastic; tentative; unverified, unproven, speculative, untested.   

Polish: nieopierzony

2 untested

Not yet proved or subjected to testing:
— An untested drug.
— Untested theory.

synonym: untried.

Moby thesaurus: groundless, inconclusive, indecisive, not following, not proved, unascertained, unattested, unauthenticated, uncertified, unconfirmed, uncorroborated, undemonstrated, undetermined, unestablished, unfixed, unfounded, unpracticed, unproved, unproven, unsettled ... show more.

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