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1 tunnel

A passageway through or under something, usually underground (especially one for trains or cars).

Roget 627: method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise; modus operandi, MO; procedure etc. ... show more

Roget 350: conduit, channel, duct, watercourse, race; head race, tail race; abito, aboideau, aboiteau [Fr.], bito; acequia, acequiador, acequiamadre; ... show more

Roget 260: hole, foramen; puncture, perforation; fontanel; transforation; pinhole, keyhole, loophole, porthole, peephole, mousehole, pigeonhole; eye of a needle; ... show more

Dutch: tunnel
Polish: tunel

2 tunnel

A hole made by an animal, usually for shelter.

synonym: burrow.

Dutch: burcht, hol, vossegat, vossehol, vossengat


1 tunnel

Move through by or as by digging.

synonym: burrow.

Roget 252: be concave etc. adj.; retire, cave in.    render concave etc. adj.; depress, hollow; scoop, scoop out; gouge, ... show more

Roget 260: open, ope, gape, yawn, bilge; fly open.    perforate, pierce, empierce, tap, bore, drill; mine etc. ... show more

2 tunnel

Force a way through.

Moby thesaurus: abri, access, adit, aisle, alley, ambulatory, antre, aperture, approach trench, arcade, artery, avenue, bore, bunker, burrow, cave, cavern, channel, cloister, colonnade ... show more.

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