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1 stunned

Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock:
— Stood in stunned silence.
— Stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses.

synonyms: amazed, astonied, astonished, astounded.

Roget 419: deaf, earless, surd; hard of hearing, dull of hearing; deaf-mute, stunned, deafened; stone deaf; deaf as a post, deaf as an adder, deaf as a beetle, deaf as a trunkmaker.    inaudible, ... show more

2 stunned

Knocked unconscious by a heavy blow.

synonyms: kayoed, knocked out, KO'd, out.

3 stunned

In a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock:
— Lay semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow.

synonyms: dazed, stupefied, stupid.

Moby thesaurus: aghast, appalled, ashen, astounded, awed, awestricken, awestruck, blanched, cowed, dazed, deadly pale, deaf, deaf and dumb, deaf-eared, deaf-mute, deafened, dull-eared, earless, frozen, gray with fear ... show more.

Find more on stunned elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 stun

Make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow:
— Stun fish.

synonym: stupefy.

Roget 870: wonder, marvel, admire; be surprised etc. adj.; start; stare; open one's eyes, rub one's eyes, turn up one's eyes; gloar; gape, open one's mouth, ... show more

Roget 376: be insensible etc. adj.; have a thick skin, have a rhinoceros hide.    render insensible etc. adj.; anaesthetize, blunt, pall, obtund, benumb, ... show more

Roget 404: be loud etc. adj.; peal, swell, clang, boom, thunder, blare, fulminate, roar; resound etc. ... show more

Roget 419: be deaf etc. adj.; have no ear; shut one's ears, stop one's ears, close one's ears; turn a deaf ear to.    render deaf, stun, deafen.   

Roget 508: not expect etc. 507; be taken by surprise; start; miscalculate etc. 481; not bargain for; come upon, fall upon.    be unexpected etc. adj.; ... show more

Roget 823: be insensible etc. adj.; have a rhinoceros hide; show insensibility etc. n.; not mind, not care, not be affected by; have no desire for etc. 866; have no interest in, ... show more

Roget 824: excite, affect, touch, move, impress, strike, interest, animate, inspire, impassion, smite, infect; stir the blood, fire the blood, ... show more

2 stun

Hit something or somebody as if with a sandbag.

synonym: sandbag.

3 stun

Overcome as with astonishment or disbelief:
— The news stunned her.

synonyms: bedaze, daze.

Moby thesaurus: KO, amaze, anesthetize, appall, astonish, astound, awake the dead, awe, awestrike, bedaze, bedazzle, bemuse, benumb, besot, bewilder, blast, blast the ear, blunt, boggle, boom ... show more.

Find more on stun elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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