English synonyms about - contact  

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1 equalize

Compensate; make the score equal.

synonyms: equalise, get even.

Roget 30: make compensation; compensate, compense; indemnify; counteract, countervail, counterpoise; balance; outbalance, overbalance, counterbalance; set off; hedge, square, ... show more

Dutch: gelijkstaan

2 equalize

Make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching:
— Let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office.

synonyms: equal, equalise, equate, match.

Moby thesaurus: accommodate, accord, adapt, adjust, adjust to, align, assimilate, assimilate to, attune, balance, cancel, compensate, coordinate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, cut to, dab, damp, drag ... show more.

Find more on equalize elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 27: equal, even, level, monotonous, coequal, symmetrical, coordinate; on a par with, on a level with, on a footing with; up to the mark; equiparant.    equivalent, ... show more

Find more on equalized elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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