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1 endorse

Be behind; approve of.

synonyms: back, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support.

Roget 769: contract, covenant, agree for; engage etc. (promise) 768.    treat, negotiate, stipulate, make terms; bargain etc. (barter) ... show more

Dutch: bijstaan, ruggensteunen, ruggesteunen, rugsteunen

2 endorse

Give support or one's approval to:
— Endorse a new project.

synonyms: back, indorse, second.

Dutch: aanbevelen, goedkeuren, ondersteunen, sterken, stijven

3 endorse

Guarantee as meeting a certain standard.

synonyms: certify, indorse.

4 endorse

Sign as evidence of legal transfer:
— Endorse cheques.

synonym: indorse.

Dutch: endosseren

Moby thesaurus: OK, abet, accede to, accept, accord to, accredit, admire, advocate, affirm, agree to, aid and abet, amen, approve, approve of, assent, assure, attest, authenticate, authorize, autograph ... show more.

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