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1 disarm

Remove offensive capability from.

synonyms: demilitarise, demilitarize.

Roget 158: be impotent etc. adj.; not have a leg to stand on.    vouloir rompre l'anguille au genou [Fr.], vouloir prendre la lune avec les dents [Fr.].    collapse, faint, swoon, fall into a swoon, drop; go by the board, go by the wayside; ... show more

Roget 831: be content etc. adj.; rest satisfied, rest and be thankful; take the good the gods provide, let well alone, let well enough alone, feel oneself at home, hug oneself, lay the flattering unction to one's soul.    take up with, take in good part; accept, ... show more

Roget 914: pity; have pity, show pity, take pity etc. n.; commiserate, compassionate; condole etc. 915; sympathize; feel for, ... show more

2 disarm

Make less hostile; win over.

3 disarm

Take away the weapons from; render harmless.

synonym: unarm.

Dutch: ontwapenen

Moby thesaurus: allure, appease, attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, conciliate, cripple, deactivate, decommission, deflate, demilitarize, demobilize, disable, disband, enchain, enchant, fascinate, gag, hamstring ... show more.

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