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1 alert

Condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action:
— Bombers were put on alert during the crisis.

synonym: qui vive.

Dutch: alarmtoestand

2 alert

A warning serves to make you more alert to danger.

synonym: alerting.

Dutch: bewustmaking

3 alert

An automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger.

synonyms: alarm, alarum, warning signal.

Dutch: alarm, alarmsignaal, noodsein
Polish: sygnaƂ alarmowy, alarm


1 alert

Warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness:
— We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries.

synonym: alarm.

Dutch: beklemmen, beknellen, benauwen, drukken, knagen, knellen, nijpen, vreten


1 alert

Engaged in or accustomed to close observation:
— Caught by a couple of alert cops.
— Alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came.
— Constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty.

synonym: watchful.

Roget 457: attentive, mindful, observant, regardful; alive to, awake to; observing etc. v.; alert, open-eyed; intent on, taken up with, ... show more

Roget 459: careful regardful, heedful; taking care etc. v.; particular; prudent etc. (cautious) 864; considerate; thoughtful etc. ... show more

Polish: czujny

2 alert

Quick and energetic.

synonyms: brisk, lively, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking, zippy.

Roget 682: active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee; lively, animated, vivacious; alive, alive and kicking; frisky, spirited, stirring.    nimble, nimble as a squirrel; ... show more

3 alert

Mentally perceptive and responsive:
— An alert mind.
— Alert to the problems.

synonyms: alive, awake.

Moby thesaurus: Klaxon, Mayday, SOS, active, admonish, advertent, advise, agile, agog, air-raid alarm, alarm, alarm bell, alarm clock, alarm signal, alarum, alert for, alive, all clear, all ears, all eyes ... show more.

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