English synonyms about - contact  



1 officious

Intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner:
— Bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself.

synonyms: busy, busybodied, interfering, meddlesome, meddling.

Roget 682: active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee; lively, animated, vivacious; alive, alive and kicking; frisky, spirited, stirring.    nimble, nimble as a squirrel; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: aggressive, bold, busy, busybody, demanding, dictatorial, forward, impertinent, importunate, inquisitive, insistent, interfering, intruding, intrusive, meddlesome, meddling, nosy, obtrusive, persistent, presumptuous ... show more.

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