English synonyms about - contact  

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1 tocsin

The sound of an alarm (usually a bell).

synonym: alarm bell.

Roget 669: alarm; alarum, larum, alarm bell, tocsin, alerts, beat of drum, sound of trumpet, note of alarm, hue and cry, fire cross, signal of distress; blue lights; ... show more

2 tocsin

A bell used to sound an alarm.

synonym: warning bell.

Dutch: noodklok, stormklok

Moby thesaurus: Klaxon, Mayday, SOS, air-raid alarm, alarm, alarm bell, alarm clock, alarm signal, alarum, alert, all clear, beacon, blinking light, burglar alarm, buzzer, crostarie, fiery cross, fire alarm, fire bell, fire flag ... show more.

Find more on tocsin elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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