English synonyms about - contact  

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1 afterthought

Thinking again about a choice previously made.

synonyms: reconsideration, rethink, second thought.

Roget 607: change of mind, change of intention, change of purpose; afterthought.    tergiversation, recantation; palinode, palinody; renunciation; abjuration, abjurement; defection etc. (relinquishment) ... show more

Roget 65: sequel, suffix, successor; tail, queue, train, wake, trail, rear; retinue, suite; appendix, postscript; ... show more

Roget 505: memory, remembrance; retention, retentiveness; tenacity; veteris vestigia flammae [Lat.]; tablets of the memory; readiness.    reminiscence, recognition, recollection, rememoration; recurrence, flashback; ... show more

Dutch: nadere overweging

2 afterthought

An addition that was not included in the original plan.

Moby thesaurus: PS, Parthian shot, about-face, addendum, afterthoughts, appendix, back matter, better thoughts, bind, block, blockage, bureaucratic delay, change of mind, chorus, coda, codicil, colophon, conclusion, consequence, continuance ... show more.

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