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1 sand

A loose material consisting of grains of rock or coral.

Dutch: zandstrand, zavel, lef, zand
Polish: piach, piasek

2 Sand

French writer known for works concerning women's rights and independence (1804-1876).

synonyms: Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, Baroness Dudevant, George Sand.

3 sand

Fortitude and determination.

synonyms: backbone, grit, gumption, guts, moxie.

Roget 330: powderiness [State of powder.], pulverulence; sandiness etc. adj.; efflorescence; friability.    powder, dust, sand, shingle; sawdust; grit; ... show more

Roget 604: determination, will; iron will, unconquerable will; will of one's own, decision, resolution; backbone; clear grit, true grit, grit [U.S.]; sand, strength of mind, strength of will; ... show more

Dutch: doortastenheid, vastberadenheid, lef, karakter, perseveratie, persistentie, ruggegraat, ruggengraat, tenaciteit, volhardingsvermogen


1 sand

Rub with sandpaper:
— Sandpaper the wooden surface.

synonym: sandpaper.

Dutch: schuren

Moby thesaurus: backbone, breccia, buff, burnish, debris, detritus, dress, emery, file, furbish, grain, granule, granulet, gravel, grind, grit, guts, intestinal, polish, pumice ... show more.

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