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1 perspective

A way of regarding situations or topics etc..

synonyms: position, view.

Roget 448: appearance, phenomenon, sight, spectacle, show, premonstration, scene, species, view, coup d'oeil [Fr.]; lookout, outlook, prospect, vista, ... show more

Roget 507: expectation, expectance, expectancy; anticipation, reckoning, calculation; foresight etc. 510.    contemplation, prospection, lookout; prospect, perspective, ... show more

Roget 556: painting; depicting; drawing etc. v.; design; perspective, sciagraphy, skiagraphy; chiaroscuro etc. (light) 420; composition; ... show more

Dutch: beeld

2 perspective

The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer.

synonym: linear perspective.

Dutch: dieptezicht, doorzichtkunde, perspectief
Polish: perspektywa

Moby thesaurus: aesthetic distance, airscape, angle, approach, arrangement, atmosphere, attitude, balance, base, brushwork, cityscape, clearance, cloudscape, color, command, compass, composition, deep space, depths of space, design ... show more.

Find more on perspective elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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