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1 littleness

The property of having a relatively small size.

synonym: smallness.

Roget 32: smallness etc. adj.; littleness etc. (small size) 193; tenuity; paucity; fewness etc. (small number) 103; meanness, ... show more

Roget 193: littleness etc. adj.; smallness etc. (of quantity) 32; exiguity, inextension; parvitude, parvity; duodecimo; Elzevir edition, ... show more

Roget 201: shortness etc. adj.; brevity; littleness etc. 193; a span.    shortening etc. v.; abbreviation, abbreviature; abridgment, ... show more

Polish: znikomość, małość, drobność

2 littleness

The property of having relatively little strength or vigor.

synonym: smallness.

3 littleness

Lack of generosity in trifling matters.

synonyms: pettiness, smallness.

Polish: małoduszność, małostkowość

Moby thesaurus: abjectness, abominableness, atrociousness, authoritarianism, baseness, beggarliness, bigotry, blind side, blind spot, blinders, brevity, briefness, closed mind, compactness, compendiousness, conciseness, contemptibility, contemptibleness, cramped ideas, crumminess ... show more.

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