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1 indulgence

An inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires.

synonym: self-indulgence.

Roget 954: intemperance; sensuality, animalism, carnality; tragalism; pleasure; effeminacy, silkiness; luxury, luxuriousness; lap of pleasure, lap of luxury; free living.    ... show more

Roget 760: permission, leave; allowance, sufferance; tolerance, toleration; liberty, law, license, concession, grace; indulgence etc. (lenity) ... show more

Roget 918: forgiveness, pardon, condonation, grace, remission, absolution, amnesty, oblivion; indulgence; reprieve.    conciliation; reconcilement; reconciliation etc. ... show more

2 indulgence

A disposition to yield to the wishes of someone:
— Too much indulgence spoils a child.

synonyms: lenience, leniency.

Roget 740: lenity, lenience, leniency; moderation etc. 174; tolerance, toleration; mildness, gentleness; favor, indulgence, indulgency; clemency, ... show more

Dutch: conniventie, conveniëntie, coulance, flexibiliteit, inschikkelijkheid, meegaandheid, plooibaarheid, souplesse

3 indulgence

The act of indulging or gratifying a desire.

synonyms: humoring, indulging, pampering.

Polish: rozpieszczenie

4 indulgence

Foolish or senseless behavior.

synonyms: craziness, folly, foolery, lunacy, tomfoolery.

Dutch: poppenkasterij, gekkigheid, absurditeit, apenstreek, apestreek, dwaasheid, gekheid, gekkenwerk, gekte, idiotie ... show more

5 indulgence

The remission by the pope of the temporal punishment in purgatory that is still due for sins even after absolution.

Polish: odpust, indulgencja

Moby thesaurus: acceptance, accommodatingness, agreeableness, allowance, attentiveness, benevolence, blank check, carte blanche, charitableness, charity, coddling, complaisance, concern, condonation, connivance, considerateness, consideration, copyright, cosseting, crapulence ... show more.

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