English synonyms about - contact  

to one's heart's content


Roget 602: willingly etc. adj.; fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul; with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms; with good will, with right will; de bonne volonte [Fr.], ex animo [Lat.]; ... show more

Roget 831: contently, contentedly, to one's heart's content; a la bonne heure [Fr.]; all for the best.   

Roget 731: successfully etc. adj.; well flying colors, in triumph, swimmingly; a merveille [Fr.], beyond all hope; to some purpose, to good purpose; to one's heart's content.   

Roget 639: sufficiently, amply etc. Adj.; full; in abundance etc. n.. with no sparing hand; to one's heart's content, ad libitum, without stint.   

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