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1 witch

A female sorcerer or magician.

synonym: enchantress.

Roget 513: oracle; prophet, prophesier, seer, soothsayer, augur, fortune teller, crystal gazer, witch, geomancer, aruspex; aruspice, haruspice; ... show more

Dutch: heks, kol, tovenares, toverheks, toverkol
Polish: wiedźma, czarownica

2 witch

A being (usually female) imagined to have special powers derived from the devil.

Polish: wiedźma, czarownica

3 witch

A believer in Wicca.

synonym: Wiccan.

Polish: wicca, wiccanin, wikanin, wikkanin

4 witch

An ugly evil-looking old woman.

synonyms: beldam, beldame, crone, hag.

Roget 846: ugliness etc. adj.; deformity, inelegance; acomia; disfigurement etc. (blemish) 848; want of symmetry, inconcinnity; distortion etc. ... show more

Roget 994: sorcerer, magician; thaumaturgist, theurgist; conjuror, necromancer, seer, wizard, witch; hoodoo, voodoo; fairy etc. ... show more

Dutch: oud wijf, helleveeg, taart, lelijk wijf, tovenaar, kol, furie, heks, besje, tovenares
Polish: stara, starucha


1 witch

Cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something.

synonyms: bewitch, enchant, glamour, hex, jinx.

Dutch: beheksen, betoveren

Moby thesaurus: Jezebel, Mafioso, Weird Sisters, Young Turk, baboon, bag, bat, battle-ax, beast, becharm, bedevil, beguile, beldam, berserk, berserker, bewitch, biddy, bitch, bitch-kitty, blemish ... show more.

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