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1 necromancer

One who practices magic or sorcery.

synonyms: magician, sorcerer, thaumaturge, thaumaturgist, wizard.

Roget 994: sorcerer, magician; thaumaturgist, theurgist; conjuror, necromancer, seer, wizard, witch; hoodoo, voodoo; fairy etc. ... show more

Dutch: duivelskunstenaar, heksenmeester, magiƫr, tovenaar, tovenares
Polish: czarownik

2 necromancer

One who practices divination by conjuring up the dead.

Polish: nekromanta

Moby thesaurus: Comus, Faust, automatist, charmer, conjurer, diabolist, diviner, dowser, ecstatic, enchanter, mage, magus, medium, miracle-worker, psychic, psychographist, sorcerer, spirit rapper, spiritist, spiritualist ... show more.

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