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1 wetter

A chemical agent capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved.

synonyms: surface-active agent, surfactant, wetting agent.

Dutch: oppervlakte-actieve stof, bevochtiger
Polish: surfaktant

2 wetter

A workman who wets the work in a manufacturing process.

3 wetter

Someone suffering from enuresis; someone who urinates while asleep in bed.

synonyms: bed wetter, bedwetter.

Find more on wetter elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 wet

Wetness caused by water:
— Drops of wet gleamed on the window.

synonym: moisture.

Dutch: vocht, nattigheid, vochtigheid
Polish: wilgoć


1 wet

Cause to become wet.

Roget 337: be watery etc. adj.; reek.    add water, water, wet; moisten etc. 339; dilute, dip, immerse; merge; ... show more

Roget 339: moisten, wet; humect, humectate; sponge, damp, bedew; imbue, imbrue, infiltrate, saturate; soak, drench ... show more

Dutch: natmaken

2 wet

Make one's bed or clothes wet by urinating.


1 wet

Covered or soaked with a liquid such as water.

Roget 339: moist, damp; watery etc. 337; madid, roric; undried, humid, sultry, wet, dank, luggy, dewy; ... show more

Roget 337: watery, aqueous, aquatic, hydrous, lymphatic; balneal, diluent; drenching etc. v.; diluted etc. v.; weak; ... show more

Polish: mokry

2 wet

Containing moisture or volatile components.

Polish: wilgotny

3 wet

Supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages.

4 wet

Producing or secreting milk:
— A wet nurse.
— A wet cow.

synonym: lactating.

5 wet

Consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor.

6 wet

Very drunk.

synonyms: besotted, blind drunk, blotto, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, loaded, pie-eyed, pissed, pixilated ... show more.

Moby thesaurus: Scotch mist, apish, asinine, asperge, batty, bedew, befooled, beguiled, besotted, bespatter, besprinkle, blood rain, bogginess, boggy, boozy, brainless, buffoonish, canned, cat-and-dog weather, cockeyed ... show more.

Find more on wet elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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