spiraling as an adjective: - 1
1 spiraling
In the shape of a coil.
synonyms: coiling, helical, spiral, turbinate, volute, voluted, whorled.
Polish: helikalny, świdrowaty, helikoidalny, śrubowaty, śrubkowaty, ślimakowaty, spiralny
Moby thesaurus: anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, circling, circuition, circuitousness, circuitry, circularity, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulation, circumflexion, circumlocution, circummigration, circumnavigation, climbing, cutthroat, deviance, deviancy, deviation, deviousness, digression, exacting, excessive, excursion, excursus, exorbitant, extortionate, extravagant, fancy, gouging, grossly overpriced, gyre, gyring, immoderate, in the ascendant, indirection, inflationary, inordinate, leaping, meandering, mounting, orbit, orbiting, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, overpriced, preposterous, prohibitive, rampant, rearing, rising, roundaboutness, rounding, saltatory, scandent, scansorial, skyrocketing, spiral, springing, turn, turning, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unwarranted, uparching, upcoming, upgoing, upgrade, uphill, uphillward, uprising, upsloping, upward, upwith, usurious, wheeling ... show more.
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