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1 repertory

A storehouse where a stock of things is kept.

Roget 636: stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry; spring; fount, fountain; well, wellspring; milch cow.    stock in trade, supply; ... show more

2 repertory

The entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation:
— The repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism.
— Has a large repertory of dialects and characters.

synonym: repertoire.

Polish: repertuar

3 repertory

A collection of works (plays, songs, operas, ballets) that an artist or company can perform and do perform for short intervals on a regular schedule.

synonym: repertoire.

Dutch: repertoire
Polish: repertuar

4 repertory

A theatrical company that performs plays from a repertoire.

synonyms: repertory company, stock company.

Moby thesaurus: abundance, account, accounts, accumulation, active list, amassment, archives, armory, arsenal, attic, backlog, bank, basement, bay, bin, blacklist, body count, bonded warehouse, bookcase, box ... show more.

Find more on repertory elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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