English synonyms about - contact  

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1 parturient

Of or relating to or giving birth.

Roget 168: productive, prolific; teeming, teemful; fertile, fruitful, frugiferous, fruit-bearing; fecund, luxuriant; pregnant, uberous.    procreant, procreative; ... show more

Roget 161: produced, producing etc. v.; productive of; prolific etc. 168; creative; formative, genetic, genial, genital; pregnant; ... show more

Polish: porodowy

2 parturient

Giving birth.

Moby thesaurus: abecedarian, aboriginal, antenatal, anticipating, autochthonous, beginning, big, big with child, big-laden, breeding, budding, carrying, carrying a fetus, creative, elemental, elementary, embryonic, expectant, expecting, fetal ... show more.

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