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dynamicmoral forceincentiveinducementmotivator

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1 dynamic

An efficient incentive:
— They hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches.

synonym: moral force.


1 dynamic

Characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality:
— A dynamic market.
— A dynamic speaker.
— The dynamic president of the firm.

synonym: dynamical.

Roget 276: impelling etc. v.; impulsive, impellent; booming; dynamic, dynamical; impelled etc. v..

Polish: dynamiczny

2 dynamic

Of or relating to dynamics.

Polish: dynamiczny

3 dynamic

used of verbs (e.g. `to run' And participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being.

synonym: active.

Moby thesaurus: activating, active, acute, adventuresome, adventurous, aggressive, alive, ambitious, animated, armipotent, authoritative, brisk, cogent, driving, dynamical, eager, effective, electric, electrodynamic, emphatic ... show more.

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