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1 occult

Supernatural forces and events and beings collectively.

synonym: supernatural.

2 occult

Supernatural practices and techniques:
— He is a student of the occult.

synonym: occult arts.


1 occult

Cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention:
— Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies.

synonym: eclipse.

2 occult

Become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished.

Dutch: bedekken

3 occult

Hide from view.


1 occult

Hidden and difficult to see.

2 occult

Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding:
— Occult lore.

synonyms: mysterious, mystic, mystical, orphic, secret.

Roget 519: unintelligible, unaccountable, undecipherable, undiscoverable, unknowable, unfathomable; incognizable, inexplicable, inscrutable; inapprehensible, incomprehensible; insolvable, insoluble; impenetrable.    ... show more

Roget 526: latent; lurking etc. v.; secret etc. 528; occult; implied etc. v.; dormant; abeyant.    ... show more

Roget 528: concealed etc. v.; hidden; secret, recondite, mystic, cabalistic, occult, dark; cryptic, cryptical; private, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abstract, abstruse, airy, anagogic, apply to, arcana, arcane, arcanum, asomatous, astral, baffling, becloud, beclouded, bedarken, bedim, befog, begloom, between the lines, black, black magic ... show more.

Find more on occult elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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