English synonyms about - contact  

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1 classified

A short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type.

synonyms: classified ad, classified advertisement.


1 classified

Arranged into classes.

2 classified

Official classification of information or documents; withheld from general circulation.

Moby thesaurus: aligned, arcane, arranged, arrayed, assorted, cabalistic, cataloged, categorized, censored, close, closed, composed, concealed, constituted, cryptic, dark, disposed, enigmatic, esoteric, filed ... show more.

Find more on classified elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 classify

Arrange or order by classes or categories:
— How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?.

synonyms: assort, class, separate, sort, sort out.

Roget 60: reduce to order, bring into order; introduce order into; rally.    arrange, dispose, place, form; put in order, set in order, place in order; set out, collocate, pack, ... show more

Roget 465b: identify, recognize, match, match up; classify; recall, remember etc. (memory) 505; find similarity (similarity) 17; put in its proper place, ... show more

Dutch: ordenen, klasseren, groeperen, sorteren, uitsplitsen

2 classify

Declare unavailable, as for security reasons.

3 classify

Assign to a class or kind.

synonym: relegate.

Moby thesaurus: alphabetize, analyze, appraise, arrange, assess, assort, bolt, bosom, break down, catalog, categorize, class, codify, collate, conceal, digest, divide, evaluate, factor, file ... show more.

Find more on classify elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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