English synonyms about - contact  



1 debility

The state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age).

synonyms: feebleness, frailness, frailty, infirmity, valetudinarianism.

Roget 160: weakness etc. adj.; debility, atony, relaxation, languor, enervation; impotence etc. 158; infirmity; effeminacy, feminality; ... show more

Dutch: asthenie, slapte, zwakte
Polish: osłabienie, mizerność, anemiczność, słabość, niemoc

Moby thesaurus: advanced age, advanced years, adynamia, age of retirement, an incurable disease, anemia, anility, atony, blah feeling, bloodlessness, brain fag, cachexia, cachexy, caducity, chronic ill health, cowardice, debilitation, decline of life, declining years, decrepitude ... show more.

Find more on debility elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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