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1 hewn

Cut or shaped with hard blows of a heavy cutting instrument like an ax or chisel:
— A house built of hewn logs.
— Rough-hewn stone.
— A path hewn through the underbrush.

synonym: hand-hewn.

Find more on hewn elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 hew

Make or shape as with an axe:
— Hew out a path in the rock.

synonym: hew out.

Roget 201: be short etc. adj.; render short etc. adj.; shorten, curtail, abridge, abbreviate, take in, reduce; compress etc. ... show more

Roget 44: be disjoined &c.; come off, fall off, come to pieces, fall to pieces; peel off; get loose.    disjoin, disconnect, disengage, disunite, dissociate, dispair; ... show more

Roget 240: form, shape, figure, fashion, efform, carve, cut, chisel, hew, cast; rough hew, rough cast; sketch; block out, ... show more

Dutch: houwen, vormen, modelleren

2 hew

Strike with an axe; cut down, strike.

Moby thesaurus: amputate, ax, bisect, block out, blow down, blow over, bowl down, bowl over, bring down, bulldog, butcher, carve, cast, cast down, chisel, chop, chop down, cleave, create, cut ... show more.

Find more on hew elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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