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1 gumming

Ineffectual chewing (as if without teeth).

synonym: mumbling.

Find more on gumming elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 gum

A preparation (usually made of sweetened chicle) for chewing.

synonym: chewing gum.

Dutch: kauwgom, kauwgum
Polish: guma

2 gum

The tissue (covered by mucous membrane) of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth.

synonym: gingiva.

Dutch: parodontium, tandvlees
Polish: dziąsło

3 gum

Any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying.

4 gum

Cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive.

synonyms: glue, mucilage.

Roget 45: vinculum, link; connective, connection; junction etc. 43; bond of union, copula, hyphen, intermedium; bracket; bridge, stepping-stone, ... show more

Roget 352: semiliquidity; stickiness etc. adj.; viscidity, viscosity; gummosity, glutinosity, mucosity; spissitude, crassitude; lentor; adhesiveness ... show more

Dutch: Kleef, gom, hechtmiddel, kleefmiddel, kleefpasta, lijm, plakmiddel, plaksel, plakspul
Polish: klej

5 gum

Wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum.

synonym: gumwood.

Roget 356a: resin, rosin; gum; lac, sealing wax; amber, ambergris; bitumen, pitch, tar; asphalt, asphaltum; camphor; ... show more

6 gum

Any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum.

synonym: gum tree.


1 gum

Cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum.

Roget 46: cohere, adhere, stick, cling, cleave, hold, take hold of, hold fast, close with, clasp, hug; grow together, hang together; twine round ... show more

2 gum

Grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty.

synonym: mumble.

3 gum

Become sticky.

4 gum

Exude or form gum.

Moby thesaurus: Lastex, acaroid resins, agglutinate, alveolar ridge, amber, baleen, battledore, bind, bite, bollix, braze, bridgework, bubble gum, cement, champ, chaw, chew, chew the cud, chew up, chewing gum ... show more.

Find more on gum elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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