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1 friend

A person you know well and regard with affection and trust.

Roget 914: pity, compassion, commiseration; bowels, of compassion; sympathy, fellow-feeling, tenderness, yearning, forbearance, humanity, mercy, clemency; leniency ... show more

Roget 88: accompaniment; adjunct etc. 39; context; appendage, appurtenance.    coexistence, concomitance, company, association, companionship; partnership, copartnership; ... show more

Dutch: amice, compagnon, deelgenoot, gabber, gezel, kameraad, kompaan, kornuit, maat, makker ... show more
Polish: przyjaciel

2 friend

An associate who provides cooperation or assistance.

synonym: ally.

Roget 890: friend, friend of one's bosom; alter ego; best friend, bosom friend, soulmate, fast friend; amicus [Lat.]; usque ad aras [Lat.]; fidus Achates [Lat.]; persona grata.    acquaintance, neighbor, next-door neighbor, ... show more

Roget 711: auxiliary; recruit; assistant; adjuvant, adjutant; ayudante, coaid; adjunct; help, helper, help mate, helping hand; midwife; colleague, ... show more

Dutch: bondgenoot, bondgenote, vrind, compagnon, zakenvriend, vriend

3 friend

A person with whom you are acquainted:
— We are friends of the family.

synonym: acquaintance.

Dutch: vriendje, vriend, bekendheid, maatje, vriendinnetje, vriendin, bekende, kennis
Polish: znajomek

4 friend

A person who backs a politician or a team etc.:
— They are friends of the library.

synonyms: admirer, booster, champion, protagonist, supporter.

Dutch: supporter
Polish: stronnik

5 Friend

A member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers).

synonym: Quaker.

Dutch: quaker
Polish: kwakier

Moby thesaurus: Maecenas, acquaintance, adherent, advocate, ally, alter ego, amigo, angel, associate, baby, backer, beau, bedfellow, benefactor, best friend, bird, boon companion, bosom buddy, bosom friend, boyfriend ... show more.

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