English synonyms about - contact  

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1 stranger

Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found.

synonyms: alien, unknown.

Roget 57: extraneousness etc. adj.; extrinsicality etc. 6; exteriority etc. 220; alienage, alienism.    foreign body, foreign substance, foreign element; ... show more

Dutch: onbekende, vreemde, vreemdeling
Polish: obcy

2 stranger

An individual that one is not acquainted with.

Polish: nieznajomy

Moby thesaurus: Jim Crow, Uitlander, alien, apartheid, auslander, barbarian, color bar, deracine, displaced person, division, emigre, ethnocentrism, exclusiveness, exile, foreign devil, foreigner, gringo, immigrant, insularity, insulation ... show more.

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